lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

30 Days Of drawings

Let's have a go at this!

1. Self Portrait
2. Imaginary Friend
3. Most Recent Dream
4. Re-Design Book Cover
5. Childhood Memory
6. Whats in Your Bag?
7. Hybrid Animal
8. Scene From a Movie
9. Siamese Twins
10. Super Hero
11. Super Villain
12. An Elderly Person
13. A Freakin’ Baby
14. Portrait of a Pet
15. A Dinosaur
16. Draw Something with Your Eyes Closed
17. A Delicious Food
19. Sea Creature
20. Your Dream Job
21. A Guilty Pleasure
22. Favourite Cartoon Character
23. Actor/Actress
24. A Collage
25. Best Friend
26. Instrument
27. Something with Sentimental Value
28. Your Zodiac Sign
29. The Meaning of Your Name
30. Favourite Outfit

MY CREYS ;_______________;

I'm obsessed with this movie atm D:
The art is so pretty! <3

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011

A couple of life drawings

My mom which I inked with a ballpoint pen, Holil (means opossum in mayan) my classmate, and some people I found in the library.

Sketch dumpage.

I draw too many girly girls.
Must change dat.

Long time no see!

Heyy! I know I know, I abondoned a blog that I'd promised to keep up and there are just like, what? three entries or something? My bad. I guess it's a good thing that no one reads this yet haha, and maybe it's kind of strange that I'm writing this for practically no one, but I hey! I've got two followers and really, I need no more to sit down and try to write something at least half enjoyable for them to read . And also I guess it's all about attitude no? haha, anyway, there's a very good reason why I have been absent for so long, and that's school! It's been really stressful and I'm not joking when I say it's draining my whole life energy, but that doesn't mean I don't find some time to sketch every now and then:

That's a naked man (which I drew cause I wanted to get a better understanding on muscles and whatnot, but failed drastically, ha!), some dogs I drew from life and a girl with an undercut and gauges.

Some maraudery sketches!

I finally got to installing my new scanner so expect more stuff tonight!

domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

It's been a while..

So I thought it was about time I updated this blog. And I now it's kind of unfair because I promised I would be posting frequently and there are only like two entries so far. (Not that I have that many followers or anything, haha.) But I really have been way too busy with school and whatnot; luckily I am home until next tuesday for the Día de Muertos holiday.
So far my classes haven't gone that well, you see. I'm on my first semester at the Academy, so I have classes on all four of the possible careers I may choose; that includes drama, music, dancing and visual arts, and my VA teacher kind of sucks, haha. It's okay, tho. I've been taking classes apart and bought a couple of books, and I've been experimenting a lot with watercolours and a lot of different media, and having a lot of fun, overall, so luckily this year won't be a complete loss of time. Also, the older va students assure me that from next year on things will get considerably better.
Right now I'm enjoying my last year of peace and I'll take advantage now that I can be with my friends and be a silly teen, because next year things'll get harder.

Enough chit-chat. Here is a doodle of Ruffnut. I made it like three months ago and I think that's the last time I did anything digitally.

lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010

I am obsessed with the movie How to Train Your Dragon, so I made a Viking girl :B

Here's a WIP on something bigger I'm working on!